
Renaturation of river systems

Project details

Project description: Renaturation of various rivers and streams in the Emscher and Lippe region.

As part of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, the river systems of the Emscher, the Lippe, the Seseke and the Berne are being ecologically transformed. In the Emscher region, industrial and municipal wastewater was discharged in open channels of tributaries and streams into the Emscher to various wastewater treatment plants. After the laying of new sewers, the formerly wastewater-bearing rivers and streams are being renaturalised. New flood retention basins are built, dikes are raised or relocated, and new floodplain landscapes and estuaries are designed.

Our services:
Preparation of subsoil surveys, foundation consultations, hazard assessments and soil management concepts. Earthworks planning for flood retention basins and dykes. Preparation of soil protection concepts according to DIN 19639. Preparation of tender documents. Expert or geotechnical construction supervision and construction monitoring, monitoring of soil management, pedological construction monitoring.

Duration: Since 2003

Industry of the customer: Sewage associations, municipalities


Solar thermal sewage sludge drying plant