Rock mechanics

Building damage on a rock slope

Project details

Project description: In the Devonian shales along the Rhine, residential buildings were built in the course of the long settlement history of the narrow Rhine side valleys, sometimes right up to the steep rock slopes. Local zones of weakness in the rock are further adversely affected by heavy rainfall events caused by climate change and the resulting flushing out of material. This makes the rock unstable and poses a danger to the buildings, roads and people in front of the embankments. In the village of Bacharach, a boulder has pushed directly against a building, so that the wall of the staircase has been crushed.

Our services: Engineering geological survey of the local situation in the area of the local steep face, planning and project management for the surveying of the situation, engineering geological assessment and risk assessment of the local situation, planning and technical construction management of the final securing of the rock slope by a specialist company.

Term: June 2021 until March 2022

Industry of the client: Insurance


Slate Mill Quarry at Rammelsberg in Goslar