Prosper-Haniel II mine in Bottrop - Dismantling enters the home straight!

As the last of once almost 150 coal mines in the Ruhr region, the "Prosper Haniel" mine was closed at the end of 2018. After the shafts had been backfilled, the so-called "surface installations" were dismantled as part of the final operating plan procedure under mining law. In the period from the beginning of 2020 to mid-2022, more than 20 buildings and other technical facilities with a total BRI of approximately 250,000 m³ were selectively dismantled or demolished at the "Prosper II" mine site in Bottrop. Within the scope of the measure, a total of approx. 40,000 m³ of construction waste was produced, which was processed into recycling material on site and is now available as a qualified substitute building material for the substitution of natural raw materials and can be further utilised.

Since the middle of 2022, measures leading up to the dismantling have been carried out in the former coal mine and training facilities. With the processing of this building complex, the deconstruction on the Prosper-Haniel II site in Bottrop is entering the home straight and the path to the subsequent use of the colliery site, which covers a total of approx. 35 hectares, is being further paved.

Since the first preparatory measures in 2018, TABERG Ingenieure GmbH has been a central part of the project team in this complex large-scale project as specialist planner and construction supervisor.