Leexplore the soil as a living space & preserve

As a result of industrialisation and urbanisation within the last century, a large number of contaminated sites, old deposits and harmful soil changes have arisen, the recording and assessment of which today represents a challenge for society as a whole.
We record and investigate areas with contamination potential and subsequently assess their hazard potential for individuals and the general public. In doing so, we attach great importance to a case-by-case, individual consideration of the respective sites and contamination situations.
With our experience and equipment, we can put together customised concepts for the different investigation phases and prepare a use-related assessment as well as recommendations for further action at your site.
- Basic research & archive research
- Historical explorations
- Innovative, tailor-made examination concepts
- Orienting and detailed investigations
- Accredited sampling from the environmental media soil, soil air and groundwater
- Effect pathway related risk assessment
- Area risk assessments
- Recommendations for action and cost projections

Your contact
Departmental Coordinator
Assessment of contaminated sites Felix Conradt
M&P's teams of experts plan, manage and support the remediation of contaminated sites and develop contaminated sites throughout Germany. From a comprehensive range of proven and innovative remediation methods, we determine the best solution for contaminated site problems. In our laboratories, we determine the optimal parameters for successful remediation of contaminated sites based on biological, chemical-physical and classic excavation methods.
For more complex cases, we plan and build customised systems in our own workshops for the control and execution of groundwater and soil remediation.
- Planning
- Consulting
- Version
- Execution supervision / construction supervision
- Safety and health protection
- Project management and controlling
- HOAI Lph. 1-9
- Soil and mass management
- Redevelopment planning
- Variant studies
- Project management
- Plant engineering for groundwater and soil vapour remediation
- In-situ remediation methods
- On-site procedure
Execution support
- Specialist construction supervision
- Specialist construction supervision
- System monitoring
- Plant maintenance
Safety and health protection
- SiGeKo
- Asi planning and monitoring
Project management and controlling
- Accompaniment
- In-situ remediation methods
- On-site procedure

Your contact
Departmental Coordinator
Remediation of contaminated sites Fabian Bobbink
Due to dwindling recycling and disposal options, the associated price increases and the growing demands to conserve soil as a resource, economic and sustainable soil and waste management is increasingly becoming the focus of every construction project. Intelligent soil and waste management supports the achievement and sustainable development of climate goals, for example by minimising the use of natural resources.
Both in the planning phase and in the course of the realisation of a project, we support our customers with the following range of services:
- Planning, tendering and process support
- Development of economic and resource-saving soil management and logistics concepts
- Mass and cost forecasts and their control in the ongoing project
- Minimisation of material flows
- Expert monitoring of demolition and excavation work as waste representative and as construction supervisor
- Sampling, analysis and waste-technical declarations of excavation and demolition masses
- Control and monitoring of waste streams
- Legally compliant disposal and recycling of mineral waste incl. electronic records (eANV) for hazardous and non-hazardous waste
- Complete solutions for waste and soil management, individually tailored to the specific requirements of a project

Your contact person
Departmental Coordinator
Waste management Dorothee Morgenroth
Our experienced team competently advises you on all questions regarding the planning and implementation of measures for explosive ordnance investigation and clearance.
We plan customised, economically and technically optimised solutions for your projects, in compliance with all applicable legal and official requirements.
We support you from the planning stage, through the tendering and awarding of the services, monitor the professional execution and documentation up to the release of the building ground.
We would be happy to advise you.
- Basic research & archive research
- Historical explorations
- Project-related risk assessment
- Tailor-made examination and clearing concepts
- Recommendations for action and cost projections
- Preparation of contract documents
- Participation in the awarding of contracts
- Site management/construction supervision, local construction supervision
- Documentation

Your contact person
Departmental Coordinator
Explosive ordnance Stefanie von Lonski
Spatial information forms an important basis for planning and decision-making in the fields of soil, water and environment. Here we support business enterprises as well as the public sector with efficient applications and developments in geoinformatics. Our focus is on specialised geoIT solutions, data acquisition, modelling, analysis and visualisation of geodata. Over twenty-five years of experience, excellent industry knowledge, motivated specialists and a high level of innovation form the basis of our services, from which our customers benefit in their projects.
- Development and integration of GeoIT and GIS shells
- Modelling and implementation of geodatabases
- Remote sensing (aerial photo analysis, multispectral, LIDAR)
- Photogrammetry (aerial 3D surveys)
- Drone flights up to cat. A3 - 25 kilogram take-off mass
- 3D differential modelling (building ground, terrain changes)
- Acquisition, analysis, visualisation of geodata (2D-3D)
- GIS applications, BIM applications, CAD applications
- Specialists in remote sensing of war events
- Historical-genetic reconstructions and risk assessments of war events
- National and international archive research (focus on military history and environment)

Your contact
Departmental Coordinator
Geoinformation Robert Brosy
Soils are the living, uppermost layer of the earth's crust. In the overall ecosphere, soil fulfils a variety of natural functions and thus serves as the basis of life for plant, animal and human life. These are habitat functions (e.g. conversion of organic matter, provision of nutrients), regulatory functions (e.g. filtering, buffering and transformation processes for water and material impacts), utilisation functions (e.g. for forestry/agricultural use and raw material extraction), climate functions (e.g. fixation and storage of carbon) and archive functions of natural and cultural history.
Misuse and harmful soil changes can lead to impairment or loss of natural soil functions. For this reason, soils and their functions must be sustainably protected or restored.
The careful use of soils and the protection of natural soil functions are regulated by various laws, ordinances and standards (e.g. BBodSchG, BauGB, BBodSchV, DIN 19639).
In terms of precautionary soil protection, the existing soils must be recorded and evaluated as early as the exploration and planning phase, and suitable measures for soil protection must be developed. In the case of the use of soils or their use during construction, the implementation of previously defined solutions can be supported and documented by expert monitoring and advice.
If harmful soil changes are identified, these must be assessed on a case-by-case basis and suitable measures taken to restore the natural soil functions (e.g. remediation, recultivation, interim management).
Our services:
- Soil mapping according to KA 5
- Soil function assessment as well as assessment of the worthiness of protection and sensitivity (e.g. susceptibility to compaction/erosion) of soils.
- Sampling, examination and evaluation of soils according to BBodSchV
- Soil evaluation for agricultural and forestry use
- Preparation of soil protection concepts and soil protection plans
- Technical papers and advice on soil protection in various planning phases
- Soil monitoring during construction
- Preparation of concepts for case-by-case condition assessment, recultivation, interim management and subsequent use
- Advice and cooperation in the preparation of tender documents for construction services