Rock mechanics

Slate Mill Quarry at Rammelsberg in Goslar

Project details

Project description: The Schiefermühle quarry at Rammelsberg was operated to extract backfill from the local ore mine. After the closure of the mine and the end of the quarry's operation, the area is to be used in the long term as part of the Rammelsberg Museum. Due to the remaining rock slopes, which are up to 85 m high, and the protected assets above (tourism, historical mining dumps), it was necessary to prove the stability of the quarry slope.

Our services: Engineering geological survey of the local situation in the area of the eastern slope of the quarry, rock mechanical proof of the stability of the eastern slope of the quarry, recommendations for the long-term handling of the surrounding areas of the quarry slope.

Term: April 2018 until May 2018

Industry of the client: Mining company


Building damage on a rock slope